Christie Cook
Christie graduated from Union University in Jackson, TN with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. She taught elementary, middle and high school through the International Mission Board in very remote areas of West Africa, serving alongside two missionary families before returning to the U.S. to work with international students at Louisiana Tech University. She was a public school classroom teacher in a middle school in Louisiana and taught in both public and private settings in Massachusetts. After becoming a mom, Christie tutored elementary and middle school students part-time, in both TN and NC, and enjoyed years working part-time with preschoolers as well. She’s excited to begin her 12th year of homeschooling this Fall. Christie and her husband Todd serve along with their church family at First Baptist Concord with ministries from children to senior adults and are grateful to God for their four boys who all appreciate the Master’s Monday community. She enjoys reading, researching, history, and traveling seasonally as a homeschool curriculum consultant, encouraging homeschool families across the country.