Rich Melton
Rich Melton has been teaching all of his life. His first official position was as Instructor of Scout Skills with the Boy Scouts of America at age 12. At age 16, he began work as a summer camp counselor where he continued to teach a variety of outdoor and camp craft skills over the next seven summers. In 1978, he graduated with a B.S. in Elementary Education with a minor in Social Studies/History and began his professional career as a 6th Grade teacher in Missouri. He currently serves as Pastor/Teacher and Middle School Youth Group leader with Christ Chapel of Knoxville, Tennessee where he and his wife Ruth have been members since 1981. The home schooling father of five, Rich was active in his children’s education and extra-curricular activities, frequently coaching and supporting his kids’ baseball, swimming, and soccer team involvements. He continues to referee and teach soccer refereeing at the youth, high school, and collegiate levels. Mr. Melton began teaching at Master’s Monday in 2001 and has taught a variety of subjects, including Life Science, Space & Earth Science, Physical Science, Algebra 2, Bible Study, World History, Study Skills, and Public Speaking. He loves to learn and also loves helping others love to learn and see the Lord’s majesty and glory in the world around them.